30. 6. 20:00 – Hudba PRAHA ► Skeleton$ (US, Tomlab/Ghostly) + support


SKELETON$ (US, Ghostly Tomlab, Crammed Discs)

Kultovní newyorský kolektiv pod vedením skladatelů Matta Mehlana a Jasona McMahona poprvné v Brně a s novým albem “Am I Home?”, které vyšlo v dubnu na Altin Village&Mine.


“Skeletons is a musical personality. When you think of people you know who are like Nelson Mandela, Elvis Presley, Mahatma Ghandi, and John Lennon, think of Skeletons. Like Sun Ra, James Brown, and Fela Kuti before them, they often change their name from album to album for tax purposes. What hasn’t changed in the seven years since Skeletons’ creation is the creative capacity of founder Matt Mehlan, struggling songwriter, lyricist, performer and director. Skeletons released music with Tomlab, Ghostly and Crammed Disc, their upcoming Album will be out with Altin Village&Mine (Chad van Gaalen / Xiu Xiu / Japanther / …) in April 2016, the Album features Grex Fox (Liturgy / Guardian Alien / ZS) on drums, Justin Frye (PC Worship / Gary War) on Bass and many other names and is a unique listening experience.”


