NE / 11.3. / 17.00 / S(o)unday mixtapes: Sounds Queer? / workshop

Pravidelný nedělní večer věnovaný experimentální hudbě, tentokrát jako workshop se Zosia Hołubowska, jež nás provede úvodem k hardwarové elektronické hudbě. Podíváme se na kabely, mixážní pulty, syntezátory a ukážeme si, jak je propojit. Budeme mluvit o zázracích MIDI a základech zvukové syntézy. Ze všeho nejvíce však vytvoříme prostor pro vyzkoušení si výše zmíněného a ztropíme nějaký ten noise! Počet účastníků workshopu je omezen na 10. Prosíme zájemce, aby se hlásili na

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Zosia Hołubowska ve své tvorbě experimentuje s tradičními způsoby zpěvu, noisem a dronem s cílem vytvořit performativní zvukové krajiny na pomezí magie a queer. Momentálně kurátorsky a produkčně působí v rámci queer synth laboratoře Sounds Queer?, se kterou mimo jiné organizuje workshopy elektronické a synth hudby pro ženy, queer a non-binary.

*** ENG ***

How to start playing electronic music?

Intro workshop about hardware electronic music. We will look into cables, mixers, synthesizers, and sequencers and see how to connect them to create a setup. We will talk about the wonders of MIDI and basics of sound synthesis. But most importantly, we will create a space to try things out, ask all the questions and make some noise.

The workshop is a part of Sounds Queer? the project, aiming at creating a queer synthesizer laboratory and a queer safer space through electronic and computer music. SQ? is happy to visit Brno! Workshops prioritize femme, women, afab, non-binary, trans, queer folks but everyone is welcome as long as they are willing to reflect upon their own privileges (how easy it is for them to gain this kind of knowledge, how often do they speak/ reach out to teach the gear first) and take a step back to create more space for others.
Workshop will be guided in English.



Zosia Hołubowska is an electronic musician, sound artist, and music activist, self identified as a non-binary person. They have been experimenting with traditional ways of singing, noise and drone machines, synthesizers to create performative sound landscapes, that explore querness and magic. Other projects they have been involved in as a musician oscillate between post punk (Prison), cold wave (Fallow Ground) and synth pop (Wilcze Jagody), that extensively toured Europe and Australia. Music has also been the core of their queer activism, ranging from holding music workshops (Sounds Queer?) to supporting queer and feminist bands by organizing tours, concerts and releasing records (Collective Tantrums). Most recently they have been curating and coordinating a queer synth laboratory Sounds Queer?, thanks to Kultur Gemma grant, where they organize, facilitate and run workshops on electronic and synthesizer music for women, queer and non-binary people in a femnist hacker space Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory, in the 20th district of Vienna. Their latest music solo project Mala Herba interprets traditional Polish and Ukrainina songs and magic rituals and filters them through synthesizers, creating a dark, dancy performance. Currently they are a PhD Fellow at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Their artistic research explores the relationships between sound and queer safer spaces. The latter is understood as performative, which methodologically situates their research in queer theory. Holubowska is interested in queer musicology, drawing from performative theory, queer phenomenology, and feminist and post-colonial approaches to ethnomusicology. They explore archives of traditional Eastern European music, as well as traditions of magic, herbalism and demonology and engage them in sound-scapes, performances and installations. Knowledge created through this artistic experiments is engaged in various music workshops, that are a very important element of the artist’s practice. Hołubowska has performed in Mumok (Austria), Gugenheim Museum (Spain); their last sound installation was shown at the Research Pavilion in Venice (Italy).
