NE / 8.4. / 17.00 / S(o)unday mixtapes: Sounds Queer? Violleta Gill – Atari Punk / workshop

Pravidelný nedělní večer věnovaný experimentální hudbě. Tentokrát společně s Violletou Gill ve formě workshopu, na kterém si budete moci sestrojit svůj vlastní DIY syntezátor. Workshop je součástí projektu Sounds Queer?, jenž utváří queer laboratoř pro tvorbu syntezátorů a queer space prostřednictvím elektronické a počítačové hudby. Počet účastníků workshopu je omezen na 10. Své přihlášky prosím posílejte na

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How to build some noise? Atari Punk Synth – Basic Electronics Workshop

In this workshop, you will be able to build your own DIY synthesizer and make some old school noises. We will build an Atari Punk Synth, a circuit originally called Stepped Tone Generator. We will learn the fundamental theoretical concepts of physics and electronics while practicing our soldering skills. At the end, each of us will have his own Atari Punk Synthesizer.
(Bring a small box to keep it safe, since it’s very delicate without a case)

The workshop is a part of Sounds Queer? the project, aiming at creating a queer synthesizer laboratory and a queer safer space through electronic andcomputer music. Workshops prioritize femme, women, afab, non-binary, trans, queer folks but everyone is welcome as long as they are willing to reflect upon their own privileges (how easy it is for them to gain this kind of knowledge, how often do they speak/ reach out to teach the gear first) and take a step back to create more space for others.
Workshop will be guided in English.



Violeta Gill
Tech girl and culture manager from Madrid, Spain. She has been working on creative technologies and education during the last three years, teaching and organising workshops on e-textile, 3D Printing, and music & DIY electronics. In collaboration with visual artists, she has created several interactive installations involving capacitive touch sensors and new conductive materials. Among her most recent geeky passions can be found music production, that she applied in her personal project Matte/Glossy, and web development (since she loves the Internet).
